We’ve just started using new foam rollers in our private classes and they are proving to be a great success. Lying on the rollers for some of the supine exercises increases the intensity of the core workout and your balance is tested to its limits! Get in touch for more information – we will also […]
Last remaining spaces at our new class on Tuesday lunchtime

The new class on Tuesday at 1pm at the United Reformed Church has proved popular with a few existing clients swapping to the new class and some new clients joining. Many clients are also enjoying the possibility of a catch up class if they miss their normal class. Don’t forget, if you refer a friend, […]
How stretching can help you with muscular problems such as tight/short hamstrings and issues with your ITB (iliotibial band)

Many of my clients have problems caused by tight/short hamstrings and also issues with their iliotibial band (ITB). Stretching can really help to alleviate some of these problems. There are a number of ways that you can stretch your hamstrings. One of the best stretches can be achieved through lying on your back with one […]

Don’t forget that one of the principles of Pilates is ‘Routine’ which means trying to put into everyday practice some of the movements that you have learnt in class. Try getting yourself into a standing neutral spinal position and really thinking about your posture when you are going about your normal daily activities, e.g. waiting […]
Half Term…

We hope that you are all enjoying your half term break – don’t forget to do some Pilates even if it is only a few Roll Downs from standing and perhaps some Shoulder Bridges to keep the spine moving.
Welcome to New & Existing Clients!

Welcome to my new website – huge thanks go to Jason Rafferty for his skill & expertise. Your feedback & comments would be most welcome!