You & Pilates
Whatever your level of fitness, Pilates for Fitness can provide basic and more advanced skills in Pilates. The classes will enable you to improve your posture, gain core strength and enhance muscle tone.
For those with back pain or existing injuries, the classes can help with these problems over a period of time by teaching you movements that will strengthen certain areas.
We all have different needs according to our age, ability and physical health. Pilates for Fitness classes and tuition are tailored to your personal exercise needs.
Pre & Post-Pregnancy Women
It is an exciting time when you find out that you are pregnant. You may have some concerns about keeping fit whilst in the early and later stages of pregnancy. Our classes can help build muscular strength, develop balance and assist with your posture, as your body begins to change through pregnancy.
A major concern of pre and post pregnant women is the pelvic floor. It’s vital that during pregnancy you build up strength in the pelvic floor muscles which can aid with childbirth. Pilates is also a safe exercise that with the right guidance you can do up to the end of the third trimester and is also incredibly helpful in building up the stamina required for labour. (You should seek the advice of a medical professional before embarking on a Pilates programme during pregnancy).
Post pregnancy, after an initial period (usually 6 weeks depending on the type of birth) whilst your body regains strength, Pilates is a fantastic way to get back into shape and to aid with recovery.
Pilates for Male Clients
We do not just cater for women in our group classes and private tuition. Increasingly many men are turning to Pilates either as part of an exercise program, but also when faced with the onset of back, neck or shoulder problems. Pilates can provide relief to general back pain or specific injuries, and help gain core muscular strength to prevent further problems.
“Before taking Sharon’s classes I could barely stand for anything over an hour and so watching my kids play sport at the weekend was agony! Now I have no pain at all and can happily stand all day. They have literally changed my life”. James-Scott Brown, Farnham.
Occupations where Pilates can help
Many occupations that involve sitting at a desk can cause back, neck or shoulder problems and Pilates can help to reduce such issues by improving your posture and by teaching you to incorporate some of the fundamentals of Pilates in your everyday life.
Other specific occupations where Pilates can help include those who are standing a great deal in their jobs, for example, hairdressers, or those who have to sit in the same position for long periods of time, for example, pilots.
Sportsmen & Women
Increasingly we are finding that those who are in training for specific sports need to build strength in their core muscles in order to compliment their training. Pilates aids the development of balance which can be crucial in many sports and also assists with the maintenance of strong muscle tone through stretching.
“Having suffered a serious knee injury playing rugby, I was recommended by a chiropractor to start a course of pilates to assist in resolving the lower back pain and core stability issues that were affecting me at the time. Following a private lesson to “learn the basics” and subsequent series of classes that Sharon teaches, my lower back pain has diappeared and my core strength has improved beyond measure. I can fully recommend attending Sharon’s classes as the lessons are both fun and challenging with a purpose to each session.” Andy Dickin – Farnham
Teenagers & the Young
Many of our clients are starting to use the Pilates method from an early age. Many teenagers experience back problems, or suffer from bad posture as they start to grow. Pilates is a great way of instilling the discipline of good posture from the beginning – which can help to reduce the onset of any problems at a later date.
Older Generation
Whatever health problems you may experience as you get older, Pilates can benefit you in many ways. The weight bearing work that many exercises incorporate can help to reduce the onset of osteoporosis and the gentle stretching and spinal movements can greatly improve posture and flexibility. We can always provide alternative exercises if any medical condition prevents you from getting into some of the starting positions such as kneeling or lying in the prone position. It’s never too late to take up Pilates!
“I so enjoy your class and you are kind and considerate about my various problems. I know that I feel stronger and better for it just from these two half terms.” Mary Lawes – Odiham