Sharon Robinson is a qualified, Farnham-based Pilates instructor, who has over 12 years’ experience of teaching Pilates.
She began practicing Pilates more than 20 years ago following a series of sporting injuries which weakened her back. Pilates had an extremely positive effect and has helped to prevent further injuries. Sharon then went onto have three children, so has a real insight into how Pilates can help both during pregnancy and afterwards in terms of re-gaining posture and tone.
After training with Pilates Training Solutions, one of the country’s foremost accredited training companies, she launched Pilates for Fitness in 2006 and has helped more than four hundred clients achieve their personal fitness goals, and helped them make Pilates part of their daily life.
Many clients are referred to Sharon by physiotherapists and GPs following diagnosis of back injuries.
“I really think that Pilates can make a difference to everyone, whatever their level of fitness or age. I get the most satisfaction from seeing results for my clients in terms of how they might stand, increasing their strength and seeing how their body improves, after attending my classes. “
Sharon also has also achieved a number of personal fitness goals in the last few years including her first off-road marathon, two middle distance triathlons and a number of Olympic and sprint distance triathlon races. “Pilates has contributed in a significant way by maintaining my core strength, improving my posture and building up my stamina. More importantly I remain injury-free and Pilates helps immeasurably with recovering from both training sessions and race experiences.”